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Pocinčane matice i pričvršćivač vijaka od nehrđajućeg čelika 304

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Pocinčane matice i pričvršćivač vijaka od nehrđajućeg čelika 304

Specifikacija: tip:Šesterokutni vijakPromjer: 3/8 ″ Duljina: 1 ″ Navoj: 16Material:Ugljični čelik šesterokutni vijakPovršinski tretman: Polvaniziranipackage uključuje: 10 x 3/8 ″ -16 × 1 ″Šesterokutni vijak+ 10 x 3/8 ″ -16 matica krila + 10 x 3/8 ″Ravna perilicaFine workmanship, smooth surface without burr, complete and deep thread head, uniform stress, not easy to slip, firm and durableThe butterfly nut is specially designed to be tightened by bare hand, instead of using a screw driver, butterfly head, thus increasing the lateral support surface and making the hand torsion more effectiveIt is mainly used for household and office equipment, communication equipment, automobile industry, ship assembly and other machinery industry equipment which need frequent disassemble and maintenance

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