Fasteners de Fasteners (Anchors / Rodes / Bolts / Cochleas ...) Et Fixing Elementa

De nobis

Goodfix & Fixdex Group in National High-Tech et Gigantibus Enterprise, operientes super 300,000㎡㎡With Plus quam D employees, in products range includit post-anchoring systems, in products range includit post-anchoring systems, in products range includit post-anchoring systems, in products range includit post-anchoring systems, in products range includit post-anchoring systems, in products range includit post-anchoring systems, in products systems, photovoltaic systems, mechanica systems, installation, et etc.

We are not only professional solutions provider but the large leading manufacture for following :Wedge anchors ( through bolts) / Threaded Rods / Short thread rods / Double end threaded rods / Hex bolts / Nuts / Screws / Chemical anchors / Foundation Bolts / Drop in Anchors / Sleeve Anchors / Metal Frame Anchors / Shield Anchors / Stub pin / Self drilling screws / Hex bolts / Nuts / Washers / photovoltaic uncis etc grata in agro visita aliquando.

  • Multi Superficiem curatio producendo lineas
  • Eta, ICC, CE, UL, FM et ISO9001 Certification
  • Herpesvirus Industrial catena Pignus altum qualitas et ieiunium partus


  • Flat rodas Laudate CMLXXV
  • Fixdex commoda

    Multi superficies curatio producendo lineas
    maximae productio scale in Sinis cum vestibulum area 300,000㎡
    Professional temptationis apparatu et professional species control ingeniarius
    Mes ratio, et officia operationem est visual.
    Eta, ICC, CE, UL, FM et ISO9001 certified Factory
    Auto-possessores International Fixdex

  • galvanized fasteners fabricae

Fixdex Praesidem, nuntius Cece

Fixdex & Goodfix Group est confidebat socium pro customers

Fixdex Praesidem, nuntius Cece

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Goodfix & FIXDEX will focus on product and technology research and development, equipment automation improvement, digital innovation, and systematic services, and is committed to improving productivity and providing better services and corresponding solutions for the construction industry. Extend ad vitale aedificia et conatibus per durabile et tutum products.