Fasteners de Fasteners (Anchors / Rodes / Bolts / Cochleas ...) Et Fixing Elementa

Interviewed per Xinhua News Agency! Fixdex & Goodfix erit adhaerere ad internationalis et domesticis duplici circulationem, auget layout de aliena commercia, et contendunt ad esse pioneer de aliena commutationem promerendae!

Adversus cum pressura de debilitatur externa demanda, patriae aliena commercia facitis difficultatibus. According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs on April 13, in the first quarter of 2023, the total import and export value of my country's trade in goods was 9.89 trillion yuan, and the cumulative growth rate changed from a slight decrease of 0.8% year-on-year in the first two months of this year to a year-on-year increase of 4.8%. .

LV Daliang, Director of Statistics et Analysis Department of Generalis Administration Consuetudines, inquit, "in primo quartam huius anni, et import et export of aliena mense coepi started et important mensem inepta. Secundum consuetudines statistics, in summa valorem de patria scriptor import et export of bonis artis in primo quartam erat 9.89 trillion Yuan, in anno-on-annus incremento de 4.8% inter eos, exportantur sunt 5.65 trillion Yuan, in augmentum 8.4% anno-in anno. Importat sunt 4.24 trillion Yuan, augmentum 0.2% anno-on-anno. In MMXIX, quod posuit fundamenta ad promovendas stabilitatem et improving qualis est aliena commercia. "

Fixdex & Goodfix Interviewed per Xinhua News Agency


Secundum negotiationem sociis in primo quartam, Asean continued ponere statum ut patriae maximae negotiatione socium.

In MMXXIII, ibi erit 1,700 mare-rail intermodal impedimenta in novo occidentis terra-maris alveo die Martii XVII, in anno-in-annus incremento de XXVI%, et ad primam quartam et perficitur ahead of XXVI.

In February XV, adFastener ManufacturerIn Yongnian District, Handania urbem, Hebei Province, opifices loaded et expositae bonis cum apparatu in intelligentes repono officinam.

Yongnian District, Handania urbem, Hebei Province notum est quod "fastener caput Sina" etHebei Goodfix Industrial Co., Ltd.est unus de ducens conatibus.

 V Faughinging V Faughinging cum plus quam D amplitudines, cum unus de maximae productio scale in Sina proanchorsettreaded virgas.hardware et fasteners factofy producendumanchor,treaded virgas,ancora,stillabunt in anchoram, Sui EXERCITATIO screw,Photovoltaic bracket...


Ma Chunxia, ​​general manager of Hebei Goodfix Industrial Co., Ltd. said, “In March this year, under the coordination of the government, we went overseas together with many enterprises, went to Germany to participate in the exhibition and successfully won an order of 3 million US dollars, which contributed to the steady development of the company's foreign trade. Fundamenta posuit pro expansion. Nunc autem societas est producendo ad plenam facultatem ad plene occursum ordines a domesticis et internationalis fora.

Post tempus: Apr-14-202023
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