M8*60 Carbon Steel Concrete Kuwedzera Anchor Bolts
M8*60 Carbon Steel Concrete Kuwedzera Anchor Bolts
Verenga Zvimwe:Catalog anchors mabhaudhi
Carbon Steelanchor yekuwedzeramabhaudhiconcreteTheWedge Anchoriri shinda yakazara, torque-inodzorwa, wedgeanchor yekuwedzeraiyo yakagadzirirwa kushanda kwakafanana. Inokodzera kushandiswa mune yakasimba kongiri uye grout-yakazadzwa kongiri masonry. Drill Diameter yakafanana neAnchor Diameter. Kuti uwane macheniserwa ekubooresa mabhiti uye Concrete Drilling Machines ona Carbide Bits uye Power Tool Sections.General Applications and UsesStructural Anchorage, Seismic Attachments, Retrofit Projects, Machinery Anchorage and Lighting Standards.
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